Research Interests
Anthropology; Urban Studies; Modernization; Gender/Sexuality/Ethnicity; Applied Linguistics; Urban Social Struggles and Social Class; Language Studies. Michael has worked with young students at the state university in order to explore how they perform English in the multicultural and multilingual context of Oaxaca. One of the future domains of research involves students’ location in the overlapping social fields of learning cultures, communities of practices, and imagined communities.
Ph.D. University of Illinois, USA, 1973
B.A. Colorado State College, USA, 1968
Fullbright Grant, Mexico, 2003
Senior Fulbright, Specialist Scholar, Mexico, 2003
Scholar of the Year, College of Arts and Sciences, University of Northern Colorado, USA, 2000
Educator of the Year, Greeley Gay and Lesbian Alliance. University of Northern Colorado, USA, 2000
Wenner-Gren Grant, USA, 1988
Teaching Fulbright, Mexico, 1983
Professional Service
Associate Professor, University of North Colorado, USA, 1972-2001
Visiting Fulbright Scholar, Institute of Sociology, Universidad Autonoma Benito Juarez de Oaxaca, Mexico, 1983
Higgins, M. & Clemente, A. (2008).Performing English with Post-Colonial Accent: Ethnographic Narratives from Mexico. London: Tufnell Press.
Higgins, M. & Coen, T. (2008). Streets, Bedrooms and Patios: The Ordinariness of Diversity in Urban Oaxaca. Austin: University of Texas Press.
Higgins, M. & Clemente, A. (2005). Whose English is it Anyway: Language, Culture and Identity. In Papeles de Trabajo sobre Cultura, Educación y Desarrollo Humano (Working papers on Culture, Education and Human Development. (An online journal: Departamento Interfacultativo de Psicología Evolutiva y de la Educación, (Interdisciplinary Department of Evolutive Psychology and Education) Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.
Clemente, A. & Higgins, M. (2003). The Production of Learning Cultures: The Interface between Applied Linguistics and Anthropology, Proceedings from Congreso de Lingüística Aplicada,3-5 May 2003, Mexico D.F.: CELE-UNAM.
Higgins, M. (1997). Somos Tocayos: La Antropología de Urbanismo y Pobreza. (We share the same name: Anthropology of urbanism and poverty). The Cultural Institute of the State of Oaxaca: Oaxaca.
Higgins, M. & Coen (1994). Can there be a Post-Modern/Multicultural Revolutionary Consciousness?" Journal of the High Plains Society of Applied Anthropology 8 (Spring): 3s-44.
Higgins, M. & Coen, T. (1992). Oigame! Oigame! Struggle and Social Change in a Nicaraguan Urban Community. Boulder, Colorado: WestviewPress.
Higgins, M. (1990). Martyrs and Saints. In Popular Religion in Mexico and Central America, Edited by Dow and Stephens, 187-2006. SLAA Publication Series, vol. 10. Washington, D.C.: Society for Latin American Anthropology.
Higgins, M. (1988). Portraits of Urban Poor Women in Oaxaca, in Mujeres de Oaxaca (Women from Oaxaca). Dalton and Musalem (eds.) State Gov. Publications, Oaxaca, Oaxaca.
Higgins, M. (1986). Quienes Son Los Migrantes al Teatro Urbano del Valle de Oaxaca (Who are the immigrants to the Urban Theatre of the Oaxacan Valley), in Ethnicidad y Pluralismo Étnico en Oaxaca (Ethnicity and ethnic pluralism in Oaxaca). Barabas and Bortolome (eds.), Colección Regiones de México, México.
Higgins, M. (1986). Care, Culture, and Praxis, in Care: A Transcultural Approach. M. Leininger (ed.), Charles B. Slack, Inc.: Utah.
Higgins, M. (1974). Somos Gente Humilde (We are humble people). D.F. México: Instituto Nacional Indigenista.
Higgins, M. & Clemente, A. (In press). Is sex safer in Spanish or English, in Applied Linguistics in the Field: Local Knowledge and HIV/AIDS, Editors: C. Higgins & B. Norton. London: Multilingual Matters
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